Bulletin of the Herpetological Society of Japan Vol. 2012, No. 1, Table of Contents
Original Articles
- Report of Fejervarya kawamurai Tanegashima Is.
Shohei Komaki 2012(1):1–2
- A confirmation of the occurrance Dinodon orientale in Hokkaido
Tatsuhiro Tokuda, Nobuyuki Shoji, and Jyunichi Terashima 2012(1):2–6
- Records of egg-laying and hatching of Dinodon orientale in Hokkaido
Tatsuhiro Tokuda and Naoya Honda 2012(1):6–9
- Sizes of breeding females of the Akamata, Dinodon semicarinatum (Colubridae) and their clutches from Okinawa Island mainly regression analyses of snout-vent lengths of females and hatchlings against egg mass
Masahiko Nishimura and Takao Kamura 2012(1):9–12
- Digital abnormalities observed in larvae of the Tokyo salamander, Hynobius tokyoensis Tago 1931 in the simulated environment of aquariums
Yudai Shiraiwa and Koji Iizuka 2012(1):13–16
- Predation on larval loaches by juveniles of the rice frog Fejervarya limnocharis
Toshio Doi 2012(1):17–19
Feature Articles
- Editng obituaries of the past officer, Dr. Michihisa Toriba
Masafumi Matsui 2012(1):20
- Recollections of Dr. Toriba
Masafumi Matsui 2012(1):21
- In memory of Toriba-san, who always kindly helped me
Tsutomu Hikida 2012(1):22–23
- In memory of Dr. Michihisa Toriba
Sen Takenaka 2012(1):23–24
- In memory of Dr. Michihisa Toriba
Kiyoshi Isogawa 2012(1):25
- Thank you Toriba-san
Hajime Moriguchi 2012(1):26–28
- Dr. Michihisa Toriba as an ophidiologist
Akira Mori 2012(1):28–30
- Passing of Dr. Michihisa Toriba: The professional of ophidiology
Hidetoshi Ota 2012(1):30–32
- For passing of Michihisa Toriba
Harold Cogger 2012(1):32–33
- List of publications by Dr. Michihisa Toriba
Hidetoshi Ota and Hajime Moriguchi 2012(1):33–38
Japanese Abstracts of Current Herpetology Vol. 30, No. 2
Japanese Abstracts of Papers Presented in 50th Annual Meeting