Bulletin of the Herpetological Society of Japan Vol. 2019, No. 2, Table of Contents
Refereed Articles
- Estimated dispersal range of Japanese brown frogs using assignment tests
Soh Kobayashi and Seiya Abe 2019(2):127–136
- A record of Hynobius katoi from Aichi Prefecture
Genki Nakatsu and Tomohiko Shimada 2019(2):137–141
- A trial for recording mating calls of Rana japonica and R. ornativentris using automatic voice recorder
Takumi Fukaya, Yoichiro Kondo, Ayumi Ibuki, Aya Koike, Kana Kiyota, and Tomohiko Shimada 2019(2):141–148
- The distribution of Mauremys reevesii in the Kii Peninsula in the mid-19th century as seen in historical materials
Yasuhito Goto 2019(2):149–152
- Distribution of frogs in paddy fields in Yokohama City
Mitsuaki Ogata 2019(2):152–155
- Rediscovery of Gekko tawaensis in Osaka Prefecture
Hiroyasu Sato 2019(2):156–160
- Morphological, reproductive ecological, and acoustic traits in two types (small and large) of Rana tagoi tagoi at Mt. Gassan
Seiji Kimura, Hidetoshi Kanamaru, and Yumiko Amiya 2019(2):161–168
- New localities of the Hokou gecko Gekko hokouensis in Shikoku district
Hitoshi Tanioka 2019(2):169–171
- First report of Fejervarya kawamurai in Arakawa-ku, Tokyo
Koji Honma 2019(2):171–172
- Calls of Babina subaspera confirmed at Akasaki Park, Amami-Oshima Island
Noriko Iwai, Yusa Yamamoto, and Yumiko Nagai 2019(2):173–174
- A report of predation on juvenile Anolis carolinensis by Cryptoblepharus nigropunctatus
Koya Hiroyama and Noriko Iwai 2019(2):175–176
Feature Articles
- Taxonomic changes in Japanese urodeles since 2013
Natsuhiko Yoshikawa and Atsushi Tominaga 2019(2):177–194
- Japanese anurans newly described or taxonomically revised since 2013
Tomohiko Shimada and Koshiro Eto 2019(2):195–202
- Taxonomic changes in Japanese reptiles since 2013 and some related topics
Taku Okamoto, Hirohiko Takeuchi, and Dai Suzuki 2019(2):202–217
Japanese Abstracts of Current Herpetology Vol. 38, No. 2